The Solace Community has devised a core menu of personal services that aims to:
- Develop a chargeable banding system, based on only delivering services to those who want or need it
- Provide services that are person centred, giving the customer more choice and control and is flexible and responsive to need.
- Provide value for money.
- Meet the requirements of the personalisation agenda
The introduction of a banded charging system provides a fair and equitable service that allows for flexibility and provides a person centred approach to service delivery. The system links charges to support needs and offers 3 levels of services that give transparency of charging to people without being overly prescriptive.
This new charging system moves away from a ‘one size fits all’ block contract and embraces the concept of personalisation/individual budgets and provides a transparent charging system irrespective whether an individual is being funded by the local authority or is self-funding for the core personal services they are receiving.
This 3 tier menu of personal services will provide personal charges that reflect the level of services being provided.
Independent Living (Low Support Level)